©G. Hadd

"Ariel" 1995/1996
1/2 life size, approximately 20" high
plaster w/bronze patina
private collection, Sanford, MI © G. Hadd

Commissioned by Susan LaCroix as a gift for her husband after the death of his deeply loved pet, this was intended to be a "portrait" specifically of their pet Ariel. Ariel was a funny looking Doberman who loved to play catch. When there was no one to play catch with, she would grab apples off the ground, throw them up into the air and then catch them, which is why there are apples composed into the sculpture. The image was constructed from photographs, living models, and guided by Ms. LaCroix's description of how this dog's features differed from the "average" Doberman. The above image is a plaster copy of the sculpture which Ms. LaCroix had cast in bronze and finished with a two-tone patina to mimic the actual colors of a Doberman.

©G. Hadd


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