© G. Hadd






"Jesus with Sheep"
June 2003 life-size bronze

Created for Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
by Ginger F. Hadd, MFA, Boston University © G. Hadd

Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan, commissioned a sculpture of Jesus represented as the caretaker of his flock. It was placed in a memorial garden which is enclosed on three sides by the walls of the church and on the fourth side by a half-wall. It was dedicated in honor of David F. Brackman, a long-time pastor of this community and much beloved by his congregation.

In this representation, a sheep reclines contentedly in Jesus' grasp. Jesus is strong and healthy and supports the weight of the sheep easily, despite the awkward shape of its body. His hold is gentle, expressing His care and affection for His charge. He looks past the sheep, focusing directly ahead, welcoming and engaging the viewer with his pleasant expression.

It has been my honor and a joy to have participated in this memorial sculpture, and it is my most sincere hope that the congregation of Zion Lutheran Church finds this to be a convincing and comforting reminder of God's affection for each member and His genuine interest in their lives.

© G. Hadd

© G. Hadd

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