"The Wee Ones"
April 1999
life-size plaster cast
by Ginger F. Hadd, MFA, Boston University

On July 12, 1998, three children, Jason, Mark, and Richard Quinn, aged 9, 11, and 12 years respectively, died as a result of the firebombing of their home in Northern Ireland.

April through July is the season in which the defeat of King James by William of Orange is celebrated, and this firebombing incident was believed to have resulted from the associated political tensions between Protestants and Catholics. Consequently, reports of it were carried in newspapers around the world. The theft of their lives significantly cooled the political tensions in the country for a brief time. This sculpture was created to preserve the memory of these children, and to make their loss a less abstract concept than newspapers or historical literature can convey. I call it "The Wee Ones" because that is how the surviving members of their family referred to them.

This sculpture is intended to capture the moment when the souls of these three boys cross the threshold of this world into the next. The figures are displayed above eye-level to underscore that they have no way to approach the viewer, they are leaving this world. One is left to wonder what is provoking the expressions on their faces as they look up to see for the first time that which we cannot.

Special thanks is given to Isabelle McIlvain, Nick Edmonds, Hugh O'Donnell, Craig Klafter and Elizabeth Shannon, who all had a significant part in bringing this sculpture into existence.


© G.Hadd

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