

about Ginger Hadd

I am a mother, a wife, and an artist currently living in Ann Arbor, a city in Southeast Michigan.

From the time I was little I always drew, painted, played with clay, made designs, etc. In high school and college I studied many things, including art, but too many other things in my life were of more importance. I returned home, found employment, married and started a family. Although I had a full life and was quite content, I still had a strong desire to pursue the images and ideas in my head.

In 1993, just three months after the birth of our second child, our family was devastated by the loss of our eldest son. Stephen was then almost six years old. A year later I went through the gut wrenching agony of designing a headstone for him -- something to preserve his identity and express my love and grief, something to pray that his sweet soul would be held in caring arms. We contacted an artist whose proposal for a headstone fell seriously short of my needs. With the monument company's encouragement and instruction, I etched a rendition of my drawing onto the stone myself. Creating Stephen's headstone became my window on the profound needs art can touch a person's life.

I have great empathy with people when their emotions roil under the surface looking for an outlet or an expression of hope. When my artwork can help people to find that outlet, it is my pleasure and privilege to put my talents at their disposal.



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